Is Pet Insurance Worth It?


Pet Insurance Should You Get It?

is pet insurance worth itHave you ever think about it? Sometimes we just go along until it’s too late..  Your pet seems fine one minute and then all of a sudden you see something that you need to take your pet to the vet.  If you already have pet insurance you probably think no problem I have pet insurance but mostly importantly… have you paid too much? Is pet insurance worth it?

Hi, my name is Lila and this happen is pet insurance worth itto me.  I had dog insurance for my precious Sandi, but did not really use it and cost me a whole lot of  money.

A recent survey by the Associated Press found that a significant number of pet owners (41 percent) are extremely or somewhat worried they could not afford the medical bills for a sick cat or dog.

Is insurance the answer?

When people ask me that question my answer is always the same: It depends. Buying pet insurance is both an economic and an emotional decision that needs to be based on your personal financial situation.

“If you get the right policy, it can be an asset to the health care of that pet and have a significant impact on the bill that results from a visit in an emergency situation.” says veterinarian Jean Maixner, co-owner of Animal Critical Care & Emergency Services in Seattle.

So “Shoud You Buy Pet Insurance?

No, but getting pet discount plan or vet discount plan may be. 

Alternatives are Available – Pet Assure Discount Plansis pet insurance worth it

I research for many weeks wondering how I can get my veterinary cost down.  I looked into coupons, promotions given by vets, discount plans, cheaper insurance plans. 

This is what I learned:

First,  there are many plans available.  I had to research all the discount plan for pets.  I finally decided on the Pet Assure.  Pet Assure was one of the best for quality, customer care and cost because you get more for your money.. the value was there.

Also, I looked to Walmart  or 1-800-PetMeds (Save money by knowing which generic pet medications are approved by the FDA – Free shipping at $49) to see if I could get my dog prescription from them.

Thank you for visiting my page:  Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

Check out: Pet Cost Too Expensive?

Do You Need Affordable Pet Insurance

Is Your Vet Cost Getting Too Expensive

Is  your Pet Cost Too Expensive? Need affordable pet insurance, do you see your veterinary costs go up every year? Well, I did and found a solution…it’s an affordable pet insurance.

affordable pet insuranceHello pet lovers…   Are your veterinary costs too expensive?  Yep, me too.  I always knew taking care of a pet could be expensive, just like having kids, it cost money. 

What I didn’t know that you can keep your cost down by being a little proactive.  First,  I think my vet’s charges are outrageous.  Sometimes I really think they charge this amount because you would do any thing for our pets, we would but paying high cost vet bills might be too much.

After reviewing my bill I saw that most of the prescriptions could have been bought at – Homepage or 1-800-PETMEDs and the actual vet bill such as vaccinations, shots, office visits, annual exams, blood work and the like can be reduced. How? You ask…I did my research and found a solution – a pet discount plan or PETASSURE.

How much does a vet visit cost? 

Well I learned the first hand.  I never thought to ask for an itemized list until my invoice was higher than expected.  Here is my veterinary costs:

  • Annual Checkup:  $60
  • Bordetta  – 19.50
  • Heartworm blood work – $45
  • HTTP – 19.75
  • Flea/Tick Test 33.15
  • Stool Sample Test – $65.00
  • Flea/Tick Control – $20.30 for a month

And this did not include any of her prescriptions which turn out to be over $100.

Total: $242.80

affordable pet insurance

After analyzing my bills I started to look for an alternative ways – an affordable pet insurance to pay for my vet bills, and I found Pet Assure, it is a Discount Pet Program, its not insurance plan. Pet Insurance plans are way too expensive and really don’t save that much unless your pet would need many major operations.

Need Pet Insurance When You Visit Your Vet?

Is your pet cost too expensive when you take your pet to the vet? Your vet visit will be based on a few things, such as the size and type of animal you have.  Also, their fees can varies from office to office such as the charge for the visit, shots and their medication.  Like I said before be proactive and get an estimate of what it will cost and if the procedure is necessary.

The cost of a visit to the veterinarian will depend on a few factors. Each veterinarian determines what their own fees are.

What a typical veterinary costs you ask? It can range from $40 to $90.  I have paid the lower amount, but it was not much of an appointment, and I think she was a vet assistant and didn’t do everything a veterinary would of done…again be proactive.  I didn’t know she wasn’t a vet, turn out the vet had an emergency and had to leave and didn’t tell me.  Didn’t go back to them. 

Went to a different veterinarian and I paid $90 just for the visit.

The veterinary costs does determined what part of the country you are from and what the vet wants to charge, if they are new office they may be lower to get customers, if they are established they may charge much much more.

affordable pet insurance
Don’t Let Your Poor Pet Suffer Get A PET DISCOUNT PLAN

Be prepare and pro-active and get yourself a pet discount plan with Pet Assure the affordable pet insurance alternative.



Check out:  Is Pet Insurance Worth It?

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